Devotional Books

My Ministry
The purpose of my business isn't just to raise an income to help support my family or to provide aesthetic wall art images to inspire and soothe, but to fulfill my greatest passion. I believe that all we do should be founded on our life convictions, so I'd like to share more about that with you here—only if you're interested, of course—as well as to tell you about a special gift that I've poured my heart into preparing for you and your loved ones—stick around to find out what it is!
My Greatest Passion
It may be hard to believe, but there's something that fuels the passion and joy in my heart far more than photography or nature. That thing is the study of God's Word. I can easily get lost for ten hours on a Sabbath day, to be found with my nose in my Bible and my fingers furiously scribbling all of the wonders that God reveals to me when my attention is focused on Him. If I wasn't so busy in daily life, I'd likely spend just as much time every other day of the week as well, but to be able to devote even an hour each day is worth waking up long before dawn. Because I love God's Word, & believe others would too, I give 25% of all of my business profit to the work of God (the rest is used to sustain my family and maintain my business). I only share that in hopes of inspiring you to consider doing the same, and for you to have confidence in the sincere mission of my fine art nature photography wall art boutique.
My Ministry & Its Inspiration
Because I'm actually a scientist—my brain's very analytical and mathematical. I studied Chemistry with plans to become a forensic scientist. In case you're not sure what that is, it's someone that works either in a lab or in a crime scene to collect / examine evidence to solve a crime and prove the guilt (or innocence) of suspects. I've realized over the last few years that the same skills that I would've used in that career field are the very ones that show up in my style of bible study: organization, detail-orientation, analysis, ethics, and algebra. For this reason, I decided to name my personal ministry:
BIBLE FORENSICS: Investigating Crimes Against Humanity
I love studying God's Word for myself, but I also love sharing it with others. It's so fulfilling to both gain and give clarity on such important matters, especially when it comes to clearing the suspicion behind God—His character and government. That is the focus of my ministry. I do share Scriptural-based content on my blog as well, so please feel free to check that out!
My Ministry Tools
I've long had a desire to use both of my passions to reveal God to people in a special way. As I was praying for God to show me how to do this, I realized that I could combine my unique way of studying Scriptures and my artistic skills as a nature photographer to do just that (yes, I am right and left-brained—such a nerd). Now I just needed to decide what to do with that niche. I was already occasionally sharing my longer studies, but I figured I'd get a start with something more consistent until further inspiration came to me. Thus, I decided to dedicate the year of 2021 to writing and sharing short daily devotionals on my personal Facebook page, beginning with a 'thorough' analysis of the book of Genesis. I thought I could get a decent way through the Bible in the year, but less than a month in, I realized it'd probably take me about a full year just to develop Genesis alone at the rate I was going (talk about a serious underestimation of the depth of God's Word!)—and of course, only so much depth can be gained in a couple of paragraphs—but we do what we can, right? Before I started the devotionals, I'd thought hard about creating a Scripture-based, fine art nature photography book, but I still hadn't decided what the written content should actually be. I just knew it needed to be beautiful, and that the images had to depict nature because it's a powerful tool that God has provided to reveal Himself. Using gorgeous images would lessen the excuse of Scripture being boring (it totally isn't, but people don't know that—so they need to be enlightened!). It'd crossed my mind to use my devotionals for the written content, but I wasn't sure about that until several months in. After telling a business mentor about my photo book idea, she asked if I ever write any devotionals. When I said yes, she said that those devotionals could be the content for my book. That seemed like confirmation to my prayers! So, here we are.
My Humble Gift to You
These books are intended to be a ministerial outreach, but since there's a bit of cost and time that goes into them, unfortunately, I can't yet afford to give them away for free—so I do have to sell them. However, I'm doing all I can to make them as accessible as possible to everyone, and if I had more help, I could make it even easier! Buying the books alone will help with that, but if you feel impressed to contribute to my ministry, I'd humbly invite you to donate. I've also decided to offer bulk discounts to make it a little easier for you to share my books with several people, but you can always just direct them to me if that's not quite in your budget. If you read my first two devotional books about where it all began (literally) and feel confident that you'd be fully interested in another similar devotional book (or at least that others would appreciate the one I've offered so far), I'd greatly appreciate two things. Please leave feedback (a review) on my Facebook page & my Google Business Listing (I'd share your feedback on my website as well), and include: (#1) information about your experience with them, and (#2) what other Bible book you'd be interested in next. I'd like to take peoples' needs and desires into account when considering writing and photographing content for another book.
Deep-Dive Devotional Books
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but the overall price may vary slightly due to the extra shipping charges.
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